Some of them are listed below.
Engineering, Medicine, Para-Medical, Pharmacy, Nursing, Biological Sciences, Physical Science, Merchant Navy, Defence, Commercial Pilot, Product Designing, Psychology, Economics, Social Work, Chartered Accountancy, Company Secretary, Ship Management, Journalism, Fashion Designing, Advertising, Hotel Management, Law, Nutrition and Dietics, Broadcast Journalism, Animation and cartoon, Game Designing, Cinema, Engineering
The most wanted courses of all is the engineering, its mainly because of the IT industry and its salary. There are different groups in engineering they are.
Mechanical engineering, Automobile engineering, Aerospace engineering, Mechatromics engineering, Civil engineering, Electronics and communication enineering, Telecommunicaton engineering, Electrical and electronics engineering, Electronics and instrumentations engineering, Instrumentation and control engineering, Computer science engineering, Information technology, Biotechnology, Biomedical, Bioprocess engineering, Bioinformatics, Genetics engineering, Food processing, Chemical engineering, Nanotechnology, Nuclear engineering, Architectural and interior design engineering.
Medicine also same as engineering have many departments under it like non-clinical departments, clinical departments, dentistry, health science and surgery.
Non-clinical departments
Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pathology, Microbiology, Forensic medicine, Community medicine, Animal medicine, Clinical departments, General medicine, Accident and Emergency, Paediatric medicine and neonatology, Dermotology, Psychiatry, Radiology, Tuberculosis and chest, Dentistry, Dental surgery, Oral medicine and Radiology, Oral Pathology, Oral and Mexillofacial, surgery, Periodontia, Pedodontia, Oro Mexillofacial, prosthodontics and implantology, Conservative dentistry, endodontics, Orthodontics, General surgery, Orthopaedics,
Otorhinolaryngology(ENT), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Ophthalmology, Anaesthesiology, Health science, Nursing, Physiotheraphy, Occupational theraphy, Pharmacy, Cardiology, Nephrology,
Neurology and neurosurgery, Plastic and reconstructive, Urology