St.George Forane Church, Aruvithura
St.George Forane Church Aruvithura belonging to the Syro-Malabar Rite in the diocese of Palai,is situated on the left bank of the river Meenachil. A beacon of the nineteen century old Christian faith, the church stands on a picture square spot.
The ancient name of the place was Irapuzhai or Irapeli. Irapeli had a vigorous trade with the Tamil countries lying beyond the Western Ghats.
Friday which is believed to be the day on which the Saint George suffered martyrdom, is observed as a special day of devotion. So, the votive masses in honour of the saint is generally turned “Friday Mass”.
Address: St.George Forane Church,
Kottayam (Dist), Kerala, India.
Phone : 04822-272113, 274017(Vicar), 274900(Office)
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