Ruber Asia Magazine
Rubber Asia is India's most prestigious and popular international magazine on rubber.
Rubber Asia covers all sectors of rubber industry, plantation, trade, marketing, technology. Its first rate quality in production and contents makes it the largest circulated magazine on rubber in Asia and is fast gaining popularity in Europe and the USA.
Rubber Asia the best medium to reach the right people who matter most in the rubber world. An advertisement in Rubber Asia is the best investment for effective and profitable communication with the right people.
The magazine is published by Dhanam Publications Private Limited, one of the fastest growing publishing houses in Kerala, India
P. B. No. 2006, Kadavanthara,
Cochin-682 020, Kerala, India.
Telephone : 91-484-2315840, 2316494, 3297806
Fax : 91-484-2317872.
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