Kuttielavil Traditional Ayurvedic Medicals

Kuttielavil Traditional Ayurvedic Medicals have a service history of 100 years. Daivadathan Gurukkal laid the foundation for this organization.

Kunjukunju Gurukkal continued the legacy to the next generation and now K.C.Prasad Gurukkal serves the society. Kuttielavil Traditional Ayurvedic Medicals has contributed a lot to the world.


* Medicated Hair tone
For Dandruff, hair fall, insomnia, brittleness and it helps to grow thick and smooth hair.
* Facial Cream
For moles, black spots, Carbulgles (karimangalyam), pimples.
* Dhathupushti tonic
Which enriches rasam, blood, flesh, bones and bone marrows.
* Tonic for sexual arousement

Web : http://www.kuttielavilayur.com/