Kuttiattoor Siva Temple, Kannur

Kuttiattoor Sivakshethram is an ancient Temple, many centuries old. It is one among the Maha Siva Temple of Kerala.

The Temple is situated on a pleasant beautiful hilly area 20 km East of Kannur town, Kerala. Ever since the Privy Purse was abolished by the Govt. the Temple is not being properly cared by the Chirakkal Kovilakam Raja Family.

When the Mahasiva Temple was properly managed and daily Poojas conducted. The people in the remote village were healthy both physically and mentally, well educated and well placed.

KUTTIATTOOR SIVAKSHETHRA SAMRAKSHANA SAMITHI has recently decided to renovate the Temple and redevelop its premises, keeping in mind the present day necessities.

Web : http://www.sivatemple.com/