Govt.Engineering College, Ramavarmapuram, Thrissur
Govt.Engineering College,Thrissur,is a premier engineering institute in the country and affiliated to Calicut University.The college has an intake of 600 students in 9 branches.The college has the distinction of offering most number of courses in Kerala.
college has well-equipped Laboratories, Workshops, Computer Centre, Library and other facilities. To run the various programmes and to man the various departments, the College is utilizing the services of about 200 well-qualified teachers, 80 specially trained workshop and laboratory technicians and about 100 administrative staff.
B-Tech course offered by Civil Engg. Dept., Mechanical Engg. Dept., Electrical and Electronics Engg. Dept., and Chemical Engg. Dept., Department of Production cum Plant engineering and Department of Electronics and Communication are Accredited by National Board of Accredition.
Government Engineering College
Email :
Principal : 0487 - 2334590
College : 0487 - 2334144
Web :