Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Kannur

Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Kannur is a Senior Secondary School Affiliated to CBSE - New Delhi. Chinmaya Vidyalya, Cannanore is co-educational and has four sections – Primary, Middle, Secondary and Senior Secondary.

Chinmaya Vidyalaya Campus at Govindagiri , Chala is set in a sprawling area of about 12 acres, 6.5 km from Cannanore City.

Facilities include scientifically advanced laboratories for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer Science to accommodate 40 students at a time in addition to mathematics lab and a social studies learning cell.

The Vidyalaya is well equipped with the best training facilities, well-furnished classrooms and laboratories to provide comfortable learning atmosphere.The Vidyalaya has an excellent computer lab.

Phone: (0497) 2769633

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